01594 562244
01594 510270
01452 750373
Physical Education is vital to the physical and mental wellbeing of all children in the school.
We aim to teach the children a range of fundamental physical and movement skills that are developed through a variety of P.E. opportunities.
We strive to foster a love for and enjoyment of being active and to develop fitness for life attitude through promoting the benefit of regular exercise. This helps to develop self-esteem, social skills and confidence.
01594 562244
01594 510270
01452 750373
Physical Education is vital to the physical and mental wellbeing of all children in the school.
We aim to teach the children a range of fundamental physical and movement skills that are developed through a variety of P.E. opportunities.
We strive to foster a love for and enjoyment of being active and to develop fitness for life attitude through promoting the benefit of regular exercise. This helps to develop self-esteem, social skills and confidence.
01594 562244
01594 510270
01452 750373
Physical Education is vital to the physical and mental wellbeing of all children in the school.
We aim to teach the children a range of fundamental physical and movement skills that are developed through a variety of P.E. opportunities.
We strive to foster a love for and enjoyment of being active and to develop fitness for life attitude through promoting the benefit of regular exercise. This helps to develop self-esteem, social skills and confidence.