Welcome to

BPW Federation

Meet Our Governing Body

Our school is guided by a clear vision and set of values: "All different-all equal, Let your colours shine, Be the best you can be." These principles are at the heart of everything we do, including the work of our dedicated Governing Board.

The Role of the Governing Board

We have one governing board for the Federation and they play a vital role in the effective and efficient running of the school. While the day-to-day management is delegated to the Head Teacher, the Governing Board is ultimately responsible for:

  • Ensuring a clear vision and strategic direction for the school
  • Holding the Head Teacher accountable for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, as well as the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial management of the school to ensure resources are well spent

The Composition of the Governing Board

The Governing Board is made up of the following members, all (excluding the Head Teacher) with a term of office of 4 years:

  • The Head Teacher: A member of the Governing Board by virtue of their office
  • 1 Local Authority Governor: Nominated by the local authority and appointed by the Governing Board
  • 7 Co-opted Governors: Appointed by the Governing Board
  • 2 Parent Governors: Elected by other parents in the Federation
  • 1 Staff Governor: Elected by the Federation staff
  • Plus Associate Members: Appointed by the Governing Board to provide additional expertise, but without voting rights

This diverse representation ensures that the Governing Board has a range of perspectives and expertise to draw upon when making decisions that support the school's vision and values.

Commitment to the School Community

Our Governing Board is deeply committed to the school and the wider community it serves. By working closely with the Head Teacher and staff, the Governing Board plays a vital role in shaping the direction of the schools and ensuring that all children have the opportunity to "Let their colours shine" and "Be the best they can be."

Get Involved – Become a Governor

Would you like to make a positive impact on the education of our children? We currently have vacancies on our governing board and would love to hear from individuals who are passionate about supporting the school and its future direction. Governors come from all walks of life, and each perspective is valued and appreciated. Your involvement could make a real difference in helping us to continue to improve and provide the best possible education for our pupils.

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please get in touch. Your interest would be warmly welcomed. Please email chair@blakeney.gloucs.sch.uk

Governing Board and attendance

Below you will find the full details of our current governing body. About the Governors provides more information about each Governor.


Attendance for 2023/24 can be found here.

Name Role Term of office Register of interests

Mrs Kirsty Evans

Executive Headteacher   None

Ms Jenny Purshouse

Clerk to the governors    

Mr Chris Fordham

Co-opted governor

Chair of governors

Safeguarding governor (Blakeney)


re-elected chair 26/09/2024


Mr James Erskine

Co-opted governor

Safeguarding governor (Pillowell)

Health and safety governor

23/11/2023- 22/11/2027


Ms Lois Adams

Co-opted governor

Pupil premium governor

History link governor

07/02/2024- 06/02/2028


Miss Carly Roberts

Staff governor


07/03/2024- 06/03/2028


Mr Patrick Houghton

Co-opted governor

Safeguarding governor (Walmore)

16/05/2024- 15/05/2028


Mr Andy Barge

Local Authority governor

05/12/2024- 04/12/2028

Employed by Forest of Dean Council

Mrs Karen Paterson

Parent governor

24/10/2024- 23/10/2028


Ms Dawn Lucas

Co-opted governor

SEND link governor

16/01/2025- 15/01/2029



Parent governor




Co-opted governor




Co-opted governor

