Welcome to

BPW Federation

Admission Arrangements at Blakeney, Pillowell and Walmore Hill Primary Schools


All 3 schools in our Federation are Local Authority maintained schools in the Forest of Dean. As a small, family-focused schools, we pride ourselves on being inclusive and offering a safe, supportive environment where all children can thrive.


Applying for a Place at one of our schools

For admissions information, please contact the relevant school office below. They will be happy to assist you with any queries.

Blakeney           01594 510270                admin@blakeney.gloucs.sch.uk

Pillowell            01594 562244                admin@pillowell.gloucs.sch.uk

Walmore Hill   01452 750373                 admin@walmorehill.gloucs.sch.uk


The PAN (pupil admission numbers) for each of our schools are:

Blakeney: 12

Pillowell: 12

Walmore Hill: 10


Admissions and appeal arrangements for all 3 schools are managed by Gloucestershire County Council. You can find details on their website about:

  • How to apply for a place at our school
  • The oversubscription criteria used if there are more applicants than places available
  • The appeals process if your application is unsuccessful

Gloucestershire Local Authority prefer applications to be completed online, but will accept paper versions if needed. If you would like help completing the application, please don’t hesitate to contact the office for support.

Admission to Reception at Primary School/Year 3 Junior School & Lower to Middle school places for September 2025 | Gloucestershire County Council


In-Year Admissions

If you move to the local area during the school year or your child needs to change schools for other reasons, you will need to apply for an in-year school place. To do this, please complete the in-year application form available on the Gloucestershire County Council website or see below. Then return it, along with proof of address and your child's birth certificate or passport, to our school admin team.


Waiting Lists and Appeals

Waiting lists for our schools will remain active until the end of the current academic year. If you wish to remain on the waiting list for another year, you will need to reapply at the start of the next school year.

You also have the right to appeal if your application for a place at our school is unsuccessful. The strength of your reasons for the appeal will be a key factor in its success. You can appeal if you believe the admission arrangements were not applied properly, and that had they been, your child would have been offered a place.

We are committed to our vision of "All different - all equal" and believe that every child deserves the opportunity to "let their colours shine" and "be the best they can be." We work hard to create an inclusive, supportive environment where all pupils feel safe and valued. We welcome applications from families who share these values and want the best for their children.

Key admission dates

Useful forms and information

summer-born-information-sheet-and-application-2025.docx .docx
primary-guidance-booklet-2025.pdf .pdf
in-year-application-form.pdf .pdf
infant-primary-and-junior-school-information-booklet-2025-2.pdf .pdf
gcc-determined-admissions-scheme-for-2025-2026.pdf .pdf
Admissions primary-guidance-booklet-2024-1 1.pdf .pdf